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 Distributor recruitment

合肥米乐m6 是国产很早规划设计出钵体毯苗/平盘毯苗双用米乐m6 的工业各个的工业企业的组成,间断性5年是中资工业各个的工业企业的中米乐m6 产量较多的工业各个的工业企业的,2015年是小四轮米乐m6 领域产量较高的工业各个的工业企业的。米乐m6 一种专业专注于是水田分钟机诫化综和农资产生工业各个的工业企业的,诚请志合者共建美好家园民族特色知名品牌。

Jofae is one of the first enterprises to develop pot seedling /flat plate carpet seedling transplanter in China. It has become the enterprise with the largest sales volume of rice transplanters among Chinese enterprises for five consecutive years. In 2018, it became the enterprise with the highest sales volume of hand-held rice transplanters. We have been committed to becoming a paddy field full mechanized comprehensive agricultural machinery manufacturing enterprise, and sincerely invite those who are willing to work together to create a world brand.



business philosophy: make products and services perfect"

銷售的核心理念:米乐m6 卖的不光仅是机器设备,同时也是用户账户满意度

sales philosophy:We offer not only machines, but also customer satisfaction!

服务的经营理念:用户名第一个 吸收率服务性至上 真心服务性

Customer first, efficiency first.

质量水平概念:新产品是生命图片 新产品如运气

Quality concept: quality is life product, such as character


      Quality is our highest dignity


1、招收区县(Recruitment range)




2、招募条件(recruitment conditions):


Distributors of agricultural machinery purchase subsidies registered by the agricultural machinery department, and those with well managed end customer resources are preferred

  2)能正确理解、较为认可深圳米乐m6 的营销策划工作理念,并能树立人格独立的深圳米乐m6 卖和精准服务开发团队;

Understand and agree with the marketing concept of Jofae, and establish an independent sales and service team;

  3)能要确保具备经销处、开设苏州市米乐m6 业务量所须的专业的资金量,且有较少的的资金量周转期能力素质;

guarantee the provision of special funds for distribution and business development, and has strong capital turnover capacity;


Have a good cooperative relationship with the local provincial, municipal and county-level agricultural machinery management, promotion and supervision departments;

3、申请程序(permitting process):

 序号 (no.说明  explain
 一 (one税务申报材料上传 

Submission of application documents

 二 (two对申办商资格证书实行进行初步审核;

Preliminary review of the applicant's qualification

 三 (three对符合核心标准的申请表商做现地多方位考察 

On site investigation of applicants with basic conditions

 四 (four对办理商拟设立经销处的董事局长和总营销经理采取远程访问、交换 

Visit and communicate with the chairman and general manager of 

the applicant's proposed new distribution

 五 (five对考察调研、登陆的毕竟参与综合性评定、建立,认定获选申报商 

Conduct comprehensive review and screening on the results of 

the investigation and interview, and determine the selected applicant

 六 (six获选申批销售处商签署销售处合同范本 

The selected dealer signs the distribution agreement

4、申请资料(permitting documents)

米乐m6:加盟经销商相关资料.rar   distributor joining documents

5、申请必须提供资料(The application must provide the following information)


In addition to the above application documents, the applicant must provide the following documents:


      Distribution application (affixed with official seal);


      PPT of reporting;

  3) 开店办理办营业执照、组识医院代碼证、税收、税务来♉访登记证(身份证扫描件盖公章);

      Business license, organization code certificate, tax registration certificate (copy and seal);


      Agricultural machinery maintenance technology certificate (copy and seal);

&🦩nbsp; 5)报考近几年的企业财务内部审计通知单、资产投资负债率表、损益꧑表和先进流评定量表(复本签字);

     Financial audit reports, balance sheets, profit and loss statements and cash flow statements for the past three years (copies sealed);


   Other information



Please submit your application materials to our desi⛦gnated address by mail:

建立苹果通讯录:昆山米乐m6 农耕机制十分有限公司 每天的运营售后服务部 陈小琴 收

     Contact: Chen Xiaoqin, Business Service Department of Suzhou Jofae agricultural Machinery Co., Ltd

地 址:吉林省昆山市吴江市经济性技术水平搭建区江兴东路555号

     Address: No. 551, Jiangxing East Road, Wujiang Economic and Technological Development Zone, Suzhou, Jiangsu


     Postal code: 215200


     Tel.: 400-688-9258




     Website: youpic.cn


注:米乐m6 承若书对发了的企业每一个份报名材料均给与尽快回话。

Note: We promise to give a timely reply to each application received.

官方微信 【扫描二维码关注度米乐m6 】 Contact us

苏州米乐m6 农业机械有限公司 版权所有 | 技术支持: |

  • 联系方式 400-688-9258
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