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(Riding type rice transplanter)2ZG—6D(G6)

乘坐式高速米乐m6 (Riding type rice transplanter)2ZG—6D(G6)

米乐m6 农业机械G6高速的米乐m6 ,钵苗毯苗双用智能仪器是农业机械专业技术公司农业合作社,农业机械施工股票种殖大户,种粮股票种殖大户等种殖小麦的好好助手。 在之类智能仪器中承重轻,基本操作便捷,正规性佳。按照原机洋马柴油机汽车发因素,按照全蜗轮蜗杆齿轮变速箱空间结构,扭力毁损小,维护保养便捷。标准单位配油压机定时动态平衡培训机构,狠抓如果在秧田不平整光滑时也会实现插秧纵深同样。行距不累设定先选,适用于华南地区和西北各个的农艺要求。



米乐m6 农用机械车G6公路米乐m6 ,钵苗毯苗双用机种是农用机械车的专业合作的社,农用机械车工作用户,种粮用户等栽植直播稻的好小助手。 在累似机种中含量轻,使用简单不便,正规性佳。用于原装厂洋马柴油密度启倾向,用于全蜗轮斜齿轮构成,能源失去小,维修费简单不便。规范配液压式自动式稳定性中介机构,确保安全生产但是在秧田不整洁时也可以确保插秧淬硬层一样。行距方便修整可选装,适用南边和南方不一的农艺市场需求。

Jofae riding rice transplanter, pot seedling / blanket seedling dual-use model are good helpers for agricultural machinery cooperatives, large agricultural machinery operators, grain growers and other rice planting households. It is light in weight, easy to operate and reliable in similar models. Diesel engine, and the full gear transmission structure is adopted, so the power loss is small and the maintenance is convenient. The standard hydraulic automatic balancing mechanism ensures that the transplanting depth is consistent even when the rice field is uneven. The line spacing can be easily adjusted to meet the different agronomic needs.

小四轮稻子米乐m6 的结构简洁,远程操作性好,机械性能耐用,五金配件市場熟,用国内外竞争者业熟服务的的工艺装修设计和制造出,在紧密结合客户看法的的基础努力上进行了好多项改进,要求性能國際品碑--雅马哈打着机 。

Walking type rice transplanter is simple in structure, good in operation, reliable in performance, and mature in accessory market. It adopts the process design and manufacturing of mature products in the same industry in China, and has made many optimizations on the basis of combining users' opinions.

米乐m6 G6高速米乐m6 产品特点(Features):


 one machine can be used for two purposes, which can be used to insert both potted seedlings and carpet seedlings.


Reasonable structure. Transplanting does not damage the pot body, does not slow seedlings green, does not replenish seedlings, has many tillers, developed roots, and is resistant to lodging.

3、独特性的钵苗输秧调节平台,使插秧时取苗准确无误,不伤钵体,这个是一些相同米乐m6 所都没有的。 

The unique control system for transplanting rice seedlings by pot ensures that the seedlings can be taken accurately without damaging the bowl, which is not found in other similar transplanters.

4、钵苗插秧,成长度好,提高产量比较突出,与一样 平盘插秧相对于可提高产量8—15%,非常时候北京天寒地冻位置。 

Pot seedling transplanting has good maturity and obvious yield increase. Compared with the general flat plate transplanting, it can increase the yield by      8-15%, which is especially suitable for the northern cold regions.


 Large grain growers, large agricultural machinery operators’ reliable helpers of agricultural machinery cooperatives.


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